Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Imagined Record Collection Part 3
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Imagined Record Collection Part 2

Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Imagined Record Collection
The Project that I am doing present, is the ‘Imagined Record Collection’. My task is to create an imagined character and create a various selection of albums, posters etc, highlighting his/her career.
I have chosen to do a jazz/blues musician called Rishche Neon. The word ‘Rishche’ is my name Cherish backwards. I have also chosen to use a hairstyle that I have used earlier in May last year. Here is the image:
Rishche Neon, is a 21 year old, Jazz and blues musician, who wears odd dresses for her performances. With her mum making the clothes and her father composes the music, this musician writes the songs, which are listed, on her albums.
I commenced this project by drawing her and inking her with a brush pen. Here are a few images:

This is the line art and the inked version of this imagined character.
This is a jazz dress which her mother made also the image which I am hoping to use for a poster.
I have done an album which is on CD and three singles which are from the album 'Reflection'. The images below are the front and back cover of the album.