My apologies for the long hiatus, I've been busy finding a new job. Although I work as an event steward, I'm hoping to find something else that will be useful with books and also with the Illustrations that I produced.
At during these past months I worked at the Hampton Court
Palace Flower Show. I produced some line art drawings which of course lacked light and tone. These sketches were a starting point of something new and exciting. Originally these sketches would transform into A4 format of coloured inked drawings.
But this drastically transformed into pastel drawings on one Saturday where I watched a show called 'Art Attack', where the presenter Neil Buchanan, drew a fairy on blue paper using white chalk. It was then I decided to look through my room and find the black sheet of paper and pastel set that I bought a while back to produce the next stage of the the sketches.
The first one is a fan art from Deb Marlowe's second novel 'An Improper Aristocrat'. If features
the main protagonist Nial and Chione, in a fixed embrace position. The changes that I created for this composition is the spirals and the extended hair of Nial. Here is the sketch and the A3 piece:

The next sketch and picture has a gardening theme. Inspired by the place that I was working, I drew out a girl within an array of flowers:
The third one that I sketch and drew was of a female Joker. The idea came to mind on a bus ride home from work. The song that I was listening to was a track called 'You' It's by a band called Take That. It's featured on their album 'The Circus' which I think is a brilliant album.
I with this pin-up that I drew I hope to create a manga with the character. Hopef
ully before November if not then it will be a novel with illustrations. The story hasn't come to mind yet but I have a feeling something will come up. A vague difference with these two images is that her eyes are smaller than the sketch:
Lastly the project that I am working on now will be something that I am really excited about. Here are a few character designs of the female villain. I had to draw her more than once basically because I was not satisfied with the first one I drew. Also it has some similarities of some of the female characters of DC comics and Marvel: