So far I have managed to complete the colour scheme for each of the characters but before I reveal them. I did the final character that is Great Great Grandmother Augustina. Since her story is set in the 1930’s I have chosen a hairstyle from that era. Here is the pencil and colour drawing of her:

Here are coloured images of each character. Some characters are left out but I am hoping to add them later. I will also move on to explain about the concept of each character:
Petra: I chose to name the protagonist Petra, because it is a name that is unknown, but also it the name of a friend of mine who was part of my degree course in the second year. As for th
e model, I have chosen to use Katie Melua because one of the tracks that she featured on Ali Campbell ‘s Album Running Free. I was amazed of
her voice so I decided to do some research on her and purchase some of her albums. It was then I decided to use her as the model for the protagonist Petra.
Aly - Petra’s Mother: She is a real person that I chose to use after a result of an interesting conversation with her at her first exhibition for illustration. Her interesting love for tea became a heavy influence in developing the character.
Matthew – Petra’s Father: After watching the English version of Studio Ghibli’s movie Howl’s Moving Castle I decided to learn more about the voice actor Christian Bale who played Howl. I researched some information on him and chose to use him as the model for my story.
Ryan: Ryan was created after the description that is explained in the story. Surprisingly after I drew him, he looked a lot more different than what I imagined him to be so I kept him as he is.
Kylan: This character was conceived in the summer of 2008 after watching a children’s programme. When the episode was finished I decided to draw a pin-up character that would be just as horrible as the boy in the cartoon and a lot more similar. This proved to be a success and I even nicknamed him. When time approached to find character concepts for ‘The Escapist’ I felt that it is necessary to use him. I yearned for him to still keep the same characteristics and have him depicted realistic. This is because his original form is viewed to be for a Manga.