Friday 18 April 2014

Fan Art Friday: Pieces by Uniq Sistar (Good Friday Special)

Happy Good Friday and Happy Fan Art Friday everyone! Today I'll be showing only one fan art. This is of a drawing of a poem called 'Pieces' by a poet called Uniq Sistar. She is a very good friend of mine and I thought that it would be great if I did a drawing based on one of her poems. I hoped to express in this drawing is that we have different part of ourselves and combined together we become ourselves. Also part of us are expressed when we face different people each day. Will there be anyone who can handle the whole puzzle? This poem explains this issue and how it can be solved. If you would like to listen to this poem then click here. Also she has a page on Youtube feel free to subscribe by clicking here. If you like what you see then have a look at her blog by clicking here.:

There will be more fan art next week. Thank you for visiting my blog and please leave a comment.

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