Friday 20 March 2015

Fan Art Friday: Yusuke and Keiko from Yu Yu Hakusho by Yoshihiro Togashi and Kenshin and Yahiko from Rurouni Kenshin by Nobuhiro Watsuki

Happy Fan Art Friday everyone! Today's drawings are about two manga. I have read them both when I was 17. I'm still reading them today. These drawings were created using watercolour paints and 0.9 red mechanical pen.

The first drawing is of Keiko and Yusuke from the manga Yu Yu Hakusho. I really like this manga a lot.   It tells the story of Yusuke and also Keiko who is his old school friend but very soon will be his love interest. There is some rivalry in this manga too but it is portrayed in a very humorous way. Yusuke's rival is a guy called Kuwubara. There is also a anime of the series and it is just as good as the manga. I'll be reading volume 14 of this series very soon.
In this drawing, I drew both Yusuke and Keiko in mid air.

The second and final fan art for today is of Kenshin and Yahiko from the manga Rurouni Kenshin. It's probably one of the most awesome manga that I have seen and I'm very pleased to have read it. Kenshin is seen wandering the streets of Japan in the Meiji restoration period. At some point he meets a girl called Kaoru. Much later he meets Yahiko who is becomes a student at a dojo that Kaoru teaches. I drew both of these characters because I felt that Yahiko was someone who had looked up to Kenshin. Kenshin is a bit of a father figure to him. There's a lot of action and romance in this manga and I'm very impressed with the anime too. I watched the anime up to a certain point as there were some episodes that were not part of the manga. I wasn't quite satisfied with this at all. I'm currently on volume 19 of the manga and I'm really looking forward to reading it. This drawing, I wanted to them to stand with their back against each of other with the awareness knowing that both of them are near.

There will be more fan art next week. Thanks for visiting and please write a comment.

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