This is how he would be visualised as a child and in his late teens I also have created various facial expressions that will be used for the comic:
*I thought of that this will be necessary because this entry, because I yearned to do something in a boy's point of view so this entry is heavily based about him.
After reading about four of these novels, (where three of the four were set in the regency era and the last one in the Victorian era) I decided to do some research of clothing that were based in these tow eras. This led me to visit the Museum of London and to do sketches of clothing.
I checked out an area of the museum called the pleasure gardens, and was so surprised of the clothing that was shown that I decided to commence sketching. For the next two days I sketched about five designs of clothing and I have to
say that drawing them felt like a breath of fresh air.
Here are the images:
On the other hand I also took a trip to The British Museum and did some brain drawings, of some of the objects that were featured on a BBC radio 4 show called A History of the World in 100 Objects.
Here are some of them: