Happy Friday Everyone! It's now time for another batch of fan art. All of these fan arts were made from colouring pencils, 2B pencils and watercolour paints. The first one is Zippy form the children's tevevsion series
Rainbow which was created by Pamela Lonsdale. I remeber waiching the series when I a kid and this was back in the early 90's. The series began during the early 70's and continued until the 90's During the mid-noughties, Nick jr. showed most of the episodes. I thought that this was pretty awesome because it showed a new generation of kids about old shows from the past. My favourite character was in fact Zippy. Althought there were times where he was cheeky he always seemed to learn his lesson somewhere towards the end of the show:
Drawn by Cherish York © Pamela Lonsdale |
The next two fan arts are about the manga
Yakitate Japan by Takashi Hashiguchi. It's all about a young bread artisan called Azuma, who embarks on a journed to create a bread for Japan. I chose to create two secondary characters of whom I felt were pretty awesome. The first one was of Ken Matsushiro who seems to be pretty hip, wearing sunglasess and also having a huge Afro. His past life on how he becamea bread artisan seemed to interst me alot. He's incredbly funny and very knowledgeable too, he so was amazingly awesome that I felt that the least I could do is drawn him. Looking back on what I've done I am impressed:
Drawn by Cherish York © Takashi Hashiguchi |
The next character from this manga is of Ryou Kuroyanagi. He is one of the judges of the RookieBread Artistan Tournament. At the start of the manga he seemed to be a bit irritaing. But over time he seemed to grow on me. With his good looks and amusing brown eyes he has a very hard temper or very strict. Azuma seems to prove of a bit of a challenge with him but I began to admire him because he saw Azuma more than just an ameteur. I chose to draw him as a trst to seeif I could still draw men in manga form. I seemed to have done pretty well:
Drawn by Cherish York © Takashi Hashiguchi |
The next fan art that I will be shown is of an anime and manga called
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne. I started watching the series when I was in my foundation year of uni. I would always watch it during my lunch break. It was pretty awesome and it about a huge smile to my face. It was about a girl called Marron who had to destroy demons with a pin which then transforms to a chess piece. She uses a rosary to transform and is the reincarnation of Joan of Arc. Marron has some competion while destroying demons. I'll do a fan art of this character sometime in the future. She also has a best friend too. When I finished the anime, I then read the manga and it has an whole bunch of surprises as well as secret stories never being revealed in the anime. While reading the manga,
this song came to mind. This is Marron in her transformed self Jeanne:
Drawn by Cherish York © Arina Tanemura |
The next two fan art from the anime and manga
Sailor Moon by Naoko Takeuchi. In my pre-teens my cousin introduced me to the series and I absolultley loved it. I kept watching the series and seeing how the characters progress over time and I adore the main protagonist Usagi and Mamoru-chan. Seeing how they both grow was really inspiring. Earlier this year I began to read the manga and this made me really pleased because I finally got to see the story again but in it's orginal form. This was translated into English. So what I've done here is Usagi and Mamoru-chan. I'm a bit iffy about how I painted this. But I chose to put it up because Usagi was done really well:
Drawn by Cherish York © Naoko Takeuchi |
The other two characters are two animal characters called Luna and Artemis. They are portrayed as cats and art the side characters to all of the sailor scouts:
Drawn by Cherish York © Naoko Takeuchi |
Lastly the final two fanarts are from the manga
Twin Spica by Kou Yaginuma. This manga was reccomended to me by
Goodreads. This manga is about Asumi and her aspirations to be a space rocket driver. My local library consortium had copies so I thought I would give it a go and read it. I found it very heart warming, funny, exciting and also at times lost for words. There were times where I almost cried, almost. The first fan art is of the main protagonist Asumi and her friend Mr. Lion. I haven't figured out his real name as of yet, but he is incredibly funny:
Drawn by Cherish York © Kou Yaginuma |
This character is Mr.Lion's love interest. I can't say what her name is and what link she does. I think it's best if you read the manga and to find out:
Drawn by Cherish York © Kou Yaginuma |
As always, there will be more fan art next friday, I hope you like what i've done so far. Please leave a comment and thank you for visiting my blog.