Friday 3 April 2015

Fan Art Friday: Inspired Picture Inspired by the song Fine by Kylie Minougue (Good Friday Special)

Happy April, Happy Good Friday and Happy Fan Art Friday. Today's drawing is inspired by a song by Kylie Minougue. The name of the song is called Fine.

The song is part of the album that she released last year. It is called  'Kiss Me Once'.  Not all the songs I liked on the album but the one was one of the few that I liked.

It has a great up beat tempo and I found myself dancing to this song a lot. Also this is one of the songs that I listened to more often when I draw.

For this drawing I drew a man dancing to the song with some of the lyrics in the background. Also I used the colour green because in most cases I use blue and this is something different.

There will be more fan art next week. Thanks for visiting and please write a comment.

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