Friday 30 August 2013

Fan Art Friday: Joss Stone, Sky Hunter, Mateo Cardea from Tall, Dark and Disreputable by Deb Marlowe and Nurse on Call by Edith Cotterill (^_~)

Hi everyone, I know this is might a bit a late. Some of you might have already finished Friday, either in the middle of it or about to start it. Either way, Happy Fan Art Friday. Today I’ll be showing you four fan arts. All of them were created by pencil and watercolour paints a 2B pencil.

I thought I’d start of with an old Children’s programme that came out during the 70’s but was re-mastered and shown during the early 90’s. This programme is called SkyHunter and it was part of a production company called Look and Read. The show had a very interesting plot involving a crow, an endless collection of birds’ eggs, bird thieves, an inspector (Who was known as ‘The Bird Man’) and three children within their pre-teens solving a case. I was about four when this series was released, but I didn’t watch it until I was about eight or nine. I watched this show alongside my class back in primary school. My old music teacher Mrs Perry had the videos and she made a habit of watching at least one episode each Thursday morning. The series was really interesting and I what appealed to me the most other than the plot was the songs that took place whenever there was an interval. These songs were useful because it taught English words in every form to a young audience. Most of the songs were really cheesy but very catchy. This picture has the three preteens. It was drawn by memory. Oh and I just wanted to add, in the re-mastered version, you get to see the three pre-teens in the story as adults, but only during the intervals, they looked like they were in their 20’s. This put a huge smile to my face. (^_^):

The next fan art is Mateo Cardea from Tall, Dark and Disreputable by Deb Marlowe. Mateo has been introduced in a previous novel that Deb had written, (I will not say which one; you’ll have to find it. (^_^)

Drawn by Cherish York © Deb Marlowe

The next fan art is of the novel that I’m currently reading, which is called ‘Nurse on Call.’ As I have previously mentioned in my last post, I will be making more fan art on the novel. Here we see the next stage of Edith’s journey of being a nurse:

Drawn by Cherish York © Edith Cotterill

The final fan art I thought I’d dedicate to the musician Joss Stone. Last year, I won her album ‘Soul Sessions Vol.2’ on Magic 105.4’s Test of time. I managed to guess the year correctly through the musical clues and the music played within that year. The year that I guess correctly was 2005. After listening to this album numerous times throughout the rest of 2012 until now, I felt that the least I could do is do a watercolour painting of her.:


There will be more fan art next week! Thanks for your patience and for visiting. Please leave a comment!


Deb Marlowe said...

Cherish! I love the portrait of Mateo!

cherishyork said...

You're welcome Deb! I'm glad you liked it!