Friday 15 November 2013

Fan Art Friday: DNA (DeoxyRiboNuclearAnarchy) By CowgirlEm

Happy Fan Art Friday Everyone! I hope you're all had or having a great Friday today! These two works were drawn as pencil sketches then black and white shades of colour was added on Photoshop. Both fan arts are based on the manga DNA which is also called DeoxyRiboNuclearAnarchy . It is by the comic artist CowgirlEm . I bought the comic at the London Comic Con in October and it was awesome to meet her in person. They both follow the same procedure as Emma Viecieli's Dragon Heir Fan Art.

If you would like to read the manga feel free to click here and to see CowgirlEm's website, click here.

Since I've only read the first chapter, I thought I'd show all four of the main characters. Helix is seen in the first picture beating Len's score in a popular game and Mynx looking at the damage he's created after he's won:

The next picture is of course Len's reaction to his beloved Ipad mini:

There will be more Fan Art next week! I did create one more DNA fan art but since it fitted the Christmas season, It will not be shown either next week or during the month of December.
Thanks for visiting and reading my blog!
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