Tuesday 3 June 2014

Fan Art Tuesday: Gwyneth Herbert from Alex Horne Presents The Horne Section (Updated!)

Happy Tuesday everyone! As promised here is the picture that I'll posting here on the blog today. The drawing was originally a pencil sketch then watercolour paints were added then changed on to Photoshop.

Sometime in March I got a free ticket to go to BBC Broadcasting house for a radio recording of The Horne Section. This programme is presented by the comedian Alex Horne. Alongside Alex there's his band that play a different range of music. Most of music that features on the programme tend to have lyrics which are very amusing.  This left me in heaps of laughter. There are two special guests who tend to appear on the show. One of them was Gwyneth Herbert . I quite liked Gywneth's singing another thing that I quite like about her was that for one of the songs that she was going to perform, she asked the audience to take part. With Alex's Horne's band taking part, in playing part it was truly amazing.

Another thing that happened was that some of band members had songs that they shared with the audience too and that was awesome. Alex sung too and he seemed to be quite heroic in his singing. (That was a good thing too):

Here's the link to the episode, click here.

Here's the drawing of Gywneth. I drew this from memory and it is somewhat accurate.:

There will be the usual Fan Art Friday drawings that will appear this Friday. Stay tuned for that! Thanks for visiting my blog and please leave a comment.

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