Friday 4 October 2013

Fan Art Friday: Stephanie from The Parisian's Return by Julia Stagg and Janice from Princess Prince by Tomoko Taniguchi

Hello Everyone, Happy October, Happy Black History Month and Happy Fan art Friday! Today I'll be showing another two fan arts that were previously drawn as sketches, with a 0.5 Pen. The were modified and changed on Photoshop. I created and used screen-tones to add effect and I have to say they look pretty cool.

In the UK right now is Black History Month and within the community libraries within my area as well as museums, have come together to create a few events that will be taking place. I will no doubt be turning up to some of these and most probably report on what happens. I'll select a few and see if I can turn up if work doesn't get in the middle of it. I thought that I should draw Janice from the shoujo manga Princess Prince by Tomoko Taniguchi. A great friend of mine back in my mid-teens recommend manga to me and I've been reading since. I borrowed this manga from her and I read and LOVED it.
Janice arrives within a fantasy kingdom of the two main protagonist where one is a price and the other is also a prince but has to dress up like a princes. The reasons why this happens I cannot reveal; you'll have to find and read the manga to find out. Janice's arrival was really awesome. Also I loved this part of the story a lot more, considering that this was the start of the seeing Black characters in comics:

The final drawing for today is Stephanie from the novel The Parisian's Return by  Julia Stagg. This is the second book of the Fogas Chronicles that she has created and I have to say I absolutely loved it. I met Julia at 'The France Show'. This was an event that took place at Earl's Court earlier this year. I worked as a event steward and the company that I work for provided security for the show. The event was absolutely brilliant too! I loved how they put the flags of France on the top of the entrance of the show. It made me feel that I was steeping into another world. During my break I browsed around and spotted a book shelf of books about France and language packs about French. While looking at one of her novels she approached and spoke to me. She was really nice and gave me three postcards of her books, since I couldn't decide which one I could by. The Parisian's Return was the one I chose. Since I enjoyed reading this novel I thought I'd draw one of the characters who is the one of the main protagonists in the novel. I'm really impressed of how this picture came out.:

I'll most probably do some more character drawings from these novels. There's the third novel called 'The French Postmistress' which was out this year and the first novel called 'L'Auberge' which I'll be reading very soon. (I loaned it from my local library.) \(^o^)/

There will be more fan art next week. Thank you for visiting! Please leave a comment and have a amazing October!

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